So everyone has a bad habit, right? Well, mines biting my nails.
Nail biting is said to be a common oral compulsive habit. For me it's something that I never quite grew out of ever since a young age. Many things can trigger off the urge to bite them, for me it's boredom, nervousness, hunger or feeling stressed.
Till one day I just couldn't stand to look at my short, stubby nails any more and decided to stop, as easy as that!
I bought this nail treatment around two weeks ago, to give me that helping hand in speeding the growth of my nails. I started applying this polish every day like it advised me to on the box instructions and I noticed that my nails are visibly longer. However, that could just be because I haven't bit them in a long time!
Though what I did notice was that my nails were stronger immediately after application, and don't break as easily as they used to! I couldn't be happier with how my nails look now, such a transformation!
You can buy this Nail Treatment at your local Boots store, or here - for £4.75.
S, x
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